
Supported distributions

Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04.



Nvidia 525 drivers and CUDA 12 required for best performance.

You can find instructions here: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads

Miner load GPU heavily - check your power unit and PL settings. After miner starts - watch for temperature of GPU and CPU during first 30-60 minutes. In case of overheating - lower PL, tune OC.

Aleo wallet can be generated at tools.aleo1.to or aleo.tools

One-command installation

In most of the cases you just need to run our script using the command:

curl -sSf -L https://1to.sh/join | sudo sh -s -- --address aleo1address

The script will do the following:

  • detect OS and download binaries

  • create system service

To join in solo mode provide --solo parameter:

curl -sSf -L https://1to.sh/join | sudo sh -s -- --address aleo1address --solo

All parameters:

--address - Aleo address --solo - for solo mode --gpu-select 1,2 - set using GPU devices IDs comma-separated all using by default --ws wss://shadow.aleo1.to:32443/ - for SSL connection For example, to join in SOLO mode on the first two GPU cards with enabled SSL, run (please, check all parameters, don't just copy that):

curl -sSf -L https://1to.sh/join | sudo sh -s -- --address aleo1address 
--solo \
--gpu-select 0,1 \
--ws wss://shadow.aleo1.to:32443/

Watch logs

journalctl -u 1to-miner -n 50 -f

Editing .service file

nano /etc/systemd/system/1to-miner.service

You can tweak running parameters, see binary usage. After editing, don't forget to restart miner:

systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart 1to-miner

Disable autostart on reboot

systemctl disable 1to-miner

Stop miner

systemctl stop 1to-miner

Delete miner

curl -sSf -L https://1to.sh/detach | sudo sh

Manual installation

If for some reason our script not works for you:

Download binaries

wget -O ./1to-miner https://github.com/1to-team/1to-miner/releases/download/v0.3.4/miner-ubuntu-cuda


./1to-miner --address aleo1... --solo --ws wss://pool.aleo1.to:32443/

--address - Aleo address --solo - for solo mode --ws wss://shadow.aleo1.to:32443/ - for SSL

To restrict miner using all cards, you can specify which cards using by setting envirement variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, for example:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,3 ./1to-miner --address aleo1...

Last updated